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RecoMed and Kaelo Health Team Up to Simplify Virtual Healthcare Delivery in South Africa

RecoMed and Kaelo Health Team Up to Simplify Virtual Healthcare Delivery in South Africa

By Staff Writer 06 August 2024

South African e-health innovator RecoMed has formed a strategic alliance with Kaelo Health, a provider of affordable health insurance, to improve access to virtual healthcare services. This partnership aims to simplify the delivery of virtual healthcare through a unified platform, making it more convenient for South Africans to receive medical services.

Tech-Driven Healthcare Marketplace

RecoMed operates as a comprehensive online healthcare marketplace and booking system, connecting healthcare practitioners, patients, and other stakeholders. Facilitating over 250,000 unique patient visits each month and confirming more than 100,000 bookings monthly, RecoMed plays a vital role in the South African healthcare ecosystem by streamlining the process of scheduling and managing medical consultations.

Innovative Health Insurance Solutions

Kaelo Health focuses on providing affordable health insurance products and essential healthcare services. The company is dedicated to ensuring both physical and mental well-being for South Africans through innovative financial solutions and comprehensive coverage options.

Enhanced Access to Virtual Healthcare

The collaboration between RecoMed and Kaelo Health is expected to significantly lower the costs associated with self-care for patients. This partnership allows healthcare practitioners to develop customized screening questions for patients, which are completed prior to virtual consultations. This process enables practitioners to better understand patients' needs and offer more targeted and efficient care during online appointments.

Source: Joel Omulo / TheFounder Africa

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