Discover our Podcasts & Master Classes

The Perfect Pitch (Series)

⁠⁠This is a special masterclass series where we sit down and dive deep with some of the most prominent venture capitalists in the region. This series aims to provide entrepreneurs with everything they need to know to start their fundraising journey. Beyond exploring each investor and what really makes them tick, we want to help entrepreneurs understand what it really means to take VC funding, what investors are looking for in a ‘perfect pitch’, and how to build out their fundraising strategy.

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The Future of Fintech in Africa (Series)

In this series, we cover some of the insights from Lucidity Insights 2023 Special Report: The Future of Fintech in Africa. Fintech has the potential to pull millions of Africans out of poverty, but face challenges, as more than half of the continent’s population is unbanked. Big challenges mean big opportunities. Learn all about why and how African startups are making waves on the global fintech stage.

  1. Trailer Video
