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Jeel Secures Major Investment in Gulf Educational Technology

Jeel Secures Major Investment in Gulf Educational Technology

By Staff Writer 02 July 2024

Jeel, a prominent provider of educational and edutainment digital content catering to children, adolescents, parents, and educators, has secured a substantial seven-figure USD investment from RZM Investment and a consortium of notable angel investors.

This funding marks a significant milestone for Jeel, empowering the company to strengthen its leadership in digital content, expand operations, and introduce innovative services across Saudi Arabia and the Gulf markets.

The strategic investment will enable Jeel to broaden its footprint in both the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) sectors, offering its cutting-edge services to institutions and governmental entities. This expansion aims to amplify Jeel’s influence and reach in the realm of digital content.

Jeel plans to allocate part of the investment towards diversifying the languages available on its app, thereby attracting a more diverse user base from across Arab countries. Additionally, the company is set to embark on penetrating new regional markets to further bolster its market presence.

Central to Jeel’s strategy is the continuous enhancement of its app through the introduction of new features aimed at elevating user engagement and solidifying its competitive edge in the market. This strategic approach underscores Jeel’s commitment to innovation and expansion within the digital content landscape.

Source: EntArabi

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Jeel Platform

Jeel Platform

Jeel Platform is a promising Arab-originated startup, as it is fully designed and supervised by parenting professionals from all around the MENA region. Amongst its products, the Jeel app is the platform's prominent project, with its exclusive edutainment content and easy-to-use parenting features. The Jeel app is a mobile application for parents and children aged between 3 to 9 years old, with specially tailored Arabic content that varies between series, songs, tales, podcasts, and games; all are made under the supervision of parenting specialists. Jeel Platform offers a continuous journey, both parents and children can enjoy together.

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