41 minutes 16 seconds

Sonia Weymuller, Co-Founder and General Partner of VentureSouq

We were thrilled to speak with Sonia Weymuller, one of Dubai’s most active investors who started her VC career by launching the largest angel investor syndicate before professionalizing the firm to become VentureSouq. Our insightful conversation with Sonia revealed her unique perspective and outlook on when startup founders should fundraise, why they startups shouldn’t take-on external funding if they don’t have to, and some of the soft-criteria that founders should be evaluating potential investors on, before adding them to their cap table. We also got deeply specific about what VentureSouq seeks and avoids in founders as an impact-focused venture capital fund. As a self-described optimist, she addressed how the current climate can favor entrepreneurs, and left us with so many nuggets of wisdom.

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