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62 minutes 44 seconds
Published on August 19, 2024

Curve Balls, SPACs, IPOs and the Road to Exit for Startups in MENA - with Rabih at MEVP | The Perfect Pitch Podcast Ep8

Rabih Khoury, the Managing Partner and Chief Exit Officer at Middle East Venture Partners (MEVP), shares his remarkable journey from being a structural engineer in the US to becoming a pivotal figure in the regional Private Equity and Venture Capital space. Khoury discusses the evolution of his career, the unique challenges of the VC model in the Middle East, and the importance of strategic exits. With over $1.6 billion raised for its portfolio companies, MEVP’s story highlights the balance between risk and reward in emerging markets, and how it differs from the US market. Don’t miss this episode of The Perfect Pitch Podcast by Lucidity Insights to learn from one of the region’s most impactful leaders in VC.

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