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KSA’s Online Food Delivery Market Size & Growth Projections

KSA’s Online Food Delivery Market Size & Growth Projections

Saudi Arabia’s macro-economics are compelling.

They tell a story of a large population of young, tech-savvy, Saudis with strong purchasing power, hungry for the latest consumer technologies.

With 98% internet penetration across the country, 97% of Saudis owning smartphones, and 69% of the population regularly using e-payment solutions, the country does seem ripe for consumer-tech start-ups to sweep up a strong user-base.

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The Evolution of Saudi Arabia Startup Ecosystem 2010-2022

As the KSA Startup Ecosystem continues to evolve, this report serves as an indispensable guide for investors, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders eager to navigate its complexities. The first comprehensive overview of Saudi's startup ecosystem, its history, and its future. The Special Report hosts perspectives and insights from many of the country’s most active investors, highlights new investment trends, critical milestones hit by the Kingdom’s fast-growing startup ecosystem, and spotlights a handful of interesting startups coming out of the Kingdom. It is packed full of insights, data, and opinions from the thought leaders and market-makers in the Kingdom. Readers will gain a deep understanding of the unique factors driving Saudi Arabia's entrepreneurial spirit, the challenges faced by startups, and the opportunities that lie ahead. This report serves as an invaluable resource for anyone looking to navigate and invest in this vibrant and rapidly evolving market.

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