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SVC’s Role in Creating a Healthy Investor Ecosystem in Saudi Arabia

SVC’s Role in Creating a Healthy Investor Ecosystem in Saudi Arabia

By Erika Masako Welch 22 February 2023
SVC’s Role in Creating a Healthy Investor Ecosystem in Saudi Arabia
SVC Logo 2023

Saudi Venture Capital Company (SVC) and its Role

In 2018, Saudi Venture Capital Company, more commonly referred to as SVC, came on the scene to help drive investment into Saudi startups and SMEs. SVC is a government-backed investment company with US$1.5 billion in assets under management (AUM), aiming to stimulate and sustain financing for startups and SMEs from pre-Seed to pre-IPO. The organization is a subsidiary of the SME Bank, one of the development banks affiliated with the National Development Fund, and was established to support the efforts of growing SMEs contribution to the GDP from 20% (a 2016 baseline) to 35% by 2030.

What is a Fund of Funds (FoF)?

The premise behind the efficacy of a Fund of Funds is quite simple. A healthy startup ecosystem requires ac

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