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Saudi Arabia’s Agriculture Sector Attracts $9.8 Billion in Private Investments

Saudi Arabia’s Agriculture Sector Attracts $9.8 Billion in Private Investments

By Staff Writer 24 October 2024
Person wearing traditional Gulf attire with a Saudi flag in the background.

Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadhli, Saudi Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture has reported a significant increase in private sector investments in the country's agriculture and food industries, surpassing SAR37 billion ($9.8 billion). These investments cover projects in crop production, livestock, fisheries, and agricultural processing, all in line with the kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The ministry highlighted the need for enhanced cold chain infrastructure to boost product transport efficiency and the development of marketing centers. This announcement was made during a panel discussion at the 41st Saudi Agricultural Exhibition in Riyadh, led by Assistant Deputy Minister Dr. Sulaiman Al Khateeb.

He stressed the vital role of private sector involvement in achieving food security, economic growth, and sustainability, aligning with the National Agriculture Strategy 2034, which promotes innovation, sustainability, and community growth in agriculture.

Source: Trade Arabia

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