EcoSafi’s Innovative BetterStove Promises Sustainable and Affordable Cooking

EcoSafi’s Innovative BetterStove Promises Sustainable and Affordable Cooking

By Staff Writer, 20 May 2024

During the recent IEA Summit for Clean Cooking in Africa, EcoSafi, a leading provider of clean cookstoves and sustainable biofuels, made waves with the launch of its latest innovation, the EcoSafi BetterStove.

This groundbreaking product earned the prestigious 'A' rating from BeZero Carbon, marking a significant advancement in EcoSafi's mission to combat climate change.

Despite advancements in technology, over 2 billion people worldwide still rely on traditional cooking methods like wood, charcoal, or dung, leading to substantial carbon emissions, deforestation, and indoor air pollution.

Recognizing these challenges, the EcoSafi BetterStove sets out to revolutionize cooking practices by offering a clean, sustainable, and cost-effective solution.

The BetterStove stands as a pinnacle of biomass cooking technology, delivering gas-like performance while utilizing sustainable biofuel. Its sleek and modern design sets it apart from conventional cookstoves, making it an attractive addition to any kitchen.

EcoSafi CEO Tom Price expressed his dedication to providing families with a clean, affordable, and reliable cooking solution that minimizes environmental impact.

He emphasized the BetterStove's superior performance in saving both time and money for families while contributing to environmental sustainability.

"We are thrilled to provide our customers with a premium product that was designed with their feedback, addressing their needs and wants at every step. Our new cookstove boasts a clean, modern design that customers will be proud to use in their homes. At EcoSafi, we are dedicated to quality, from the stoves themselves to the sustainable biofuel pellets that power them, and the carbon credits we offer. This new stove embodies that ethos and our commitment to delivering the best products and service possible.," stated CEO Tom Price.

The EcoSafi BetterStove emerges as a game-changer in the fight against global cooking challenges, offering a promising solution that prioritizes efficiency, affordability, cleanliness, and sustainability.

Source: Joel Omulo / TheFounder Africa

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