Number of Exits of VC-Backed Startups for Top MENA Countries (2010-2023)
Published date : 18 March 2024

Number of Exits of VC-Backed Startups for Top MENA Countries (2010-2023)

In the vibrant MENA landscape of VC-backed startups, Israel stands out as the unmatched frontrunner, boasting an impressive 537 exits from 2010 to 2023.

This powerhouse of innovation accounts for an astounding 70% of the region's total of 766 exits, underscoring its dynamic startup ecosystem.

In parallel, the UAE and Turkey are forging their own paths, exhibiting strong growth trajectories over the past decade.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia are displaying clear signs of momentum, with notable increases in exits over the last two to three years hinting at emerging surges.

Collectively, these ascending nations are gradually carving out a larger presence, slowly diminishing Israel's proportional dominance and contributing to a richly diverse and burgeoning startup ecosystem poised for the future.

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