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VivoPower: Powering the Digital Future through Bridging Renewable Energy and High-Demand Computing

VivoPower: Powering the Digital Future through Bridging Renewable Energy and High-Demand Computing

By Pierrick Ribes 15 December 2023
VivoPower x BackBone Digital Joint Venture

The Interconnected Challenges in Modern Energy Demand

In the labyrinth of modern technological progress, two parallel narratives are unfolding. On one hand, we’re witnessing a remarkable surge in computing demands, spearheaded by advancements in areas such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, scientific computing, and digital asset mining. These technologies, once the stuff of science fiction, now drive significant sectors of our economy and are integral to research and development. However, this digital revolution comes at a cost — a steep increase in energy consumption. 

As we grapple with these rising energy needs, the world is simultaneously confronting the urgent necessity to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. This pivot, driven by the global climate crisis, is reshapin

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