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QUBITRIUM Startup Secures €1.5M ($1.6M) to Boost Quantum Security

QUBITRIUM Startup Secures €1.5M ($1.6M) to Boost Quantum Security

By Staff Writer 20 September 2024
Three men pose in front of a sign reading "Qubitrium," representing the Qubitrium team.

Turkish startup QUBITRIUM has secured €1.5M (~$1.6 million) in seed funding from ACT Venture Partners to advance its quantum technology solutions.

Founded in 2020 by Dr. Kadir Durak, QUBITRIUM specializes in Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems, using nanosatellites to provide highly secure communication platforms.

With increasing threats to current cryptographic systems across various sectors, QUBITRIUM aims to revolutionize secure information sharing, especially in finance, healthcare, and defense.

The funding will accelerate the launch of its 2U-sized satellite equipped with QKD technology, furthering its global ambitions and reinforcing partnerships through customer engagement and technical support.

Recognized by NATO and supported by its DIANA Program, QUBITRIUM is poised to lead the development of miniaturized QKD payloads for nanosatellites.

Source: Lucy Adams /

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We share with you the excitement of developing advanced quantum technologies on the verge of the second quantum revolution. Our company offers solutions to problems in quantum cryptography, communication and quantum sensing. In addition to developing and producing advanced quantum products, services are provided to deliver quantum technologies to industrial organisations.

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