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Spana: Revolutionizing Auto Services in Tanzania

Spana: Revolutionizing Auto Services in Tanzania

By Staff Writer 26 April 2024

A groundbreaking mobile application called Spana is transforming the automobile service landscape in Tanzania.

Launched in late 2023 by innovators Julius Mbungo, Ebenezery Kimaro, and John Mwapinga, Spana offers a comprehensive range of affordable and high-quality services for individual car owners and businesses alike.

The Spana app revolutionizes how users access auto services, providing features such as auto diagnostic checks, vehicle servicing, repairs, and annual routine maintenance subscriptions.

Beyond these essentials, users can access a wealth of information including their car’s maintenance history, track expenses, and receive timely service reminders.

The inspiration behind Spana stemmed from Mbungo's in-depth research back in 2022.

He conducted a survey involving car owners, mechanics, and garage owners to understand the challenges faced in accessing car services.

The findings were eye-opening, revealing widespread dissatisfaction among users, with many expressing concerns about inflated prices and the prevalence of counterfeit spare parts.

Tanzania's automotive market, like many Sub-Saharan African countries, is predominantly filled with used cars, with a ratio of 90:10.

These older vehicles often rely on aftermarket spare parts, many of which are counterfeit, leading to frequent breakdowns and inflated maintenance costs.

Spana's mission is clear: to provide efficient, affordable, and transparent auto repair and maintenance services while combatting the proliferation of counterfeit spare parts.

According to Mbungo, the goal is not only to extend the lifespan of Tanzanians' vehicles but also to enhance road safety.

While Spana is currently bootstrapping, the company is gearing up for a fundraising round to fuel its growth trajectory.

With its innovative approach and commitment to customer satisfaction, Spana is poised to revolutionize the auto services sector in Tanzania and beyond.

Source: Tom Jackson / Disrupt Africa

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