Saudi Arabia, Bahrain Ink MoUs for Transport and Infrastructure

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain Ink MoUs for Transport and Infrastructure

By Saudi Press Agency 26 March 2024

Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have signed two memoranda of understanding (MoUs) focused on the future of transportation and road maintenance and safety.

The MoUs aim to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the transportation and logistics services sector.

Representing their respective sides during the signing were Minister of Transport and Logistic Services Saleh bin Nasser AI-Jasser, Bahraini Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications Mohammed bin Thamer Al Kaabi and Bahraini Minister of Works Ebrahim bin Hasan Al Hawaj.

The MoUs involve collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain in the aforementioned fields, promoting the exchange of expertise, organizing training programs and seminars, and encouraging research and development.

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