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NetOne's $1 Health Plan Offers Zimbabweans Affordable Coverage

NetOne's $1 Health Plan Offers Zimbabweans Affordable Coverage

By Staff Writer 09 November 2024
Person with glasses in a dark suit against a mottled gray background.

Raphael Mushanawani, NetOne Group CEO

NetOne has introduced OneHealth, an ultra-affordable health plan offering basic medical aid for just $1 a month, making it the most accessible health coverage option in Zimbabwe. For a dollar—the price of a loaf of bread—subscribers get one GP visit per month and up to $30 in medications, though chronic medicines aren’t covered. Dependents can be added for an extra dollar each, making it possible for a family of five to secure coverage for $5 a month.

With only 7% of Zimbabweans currently insured and the country grappling with hyperinflation, the new plan offers much-needed relief, especially for middle-income households struggling with rising costs. The devaluation of the local currency and stagnant wages have made essential services unaffordable, so a $1 monthly health plan provides a safety net many can’t find elsewhere.

To sign up, NetOne users can dial *501# and gain access to a platform with tools like an app or WhatsApp bot to locate GPs and pharmacies accepting OneHealth. A comprehensive list of providers would further simplify enrollment for potential users.

Source: Victoria Fakiya / Innovation Village

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