Moja EV Launches Neta Electric Vehicles in Kenya to Transform Transport Sector

Moja EV Launches Neta Electric Vehicles in Kenya to Transform Transport Sector

By Staff Writer, 01 July 2024

Motor dealer Moja EV has announced the launch of a new electric vehicle brand, Neta, into the Kenyan market. This move is part of Moja EV's strategy to revolutionize Kenya's transport sector with innovative electric vehicle models from China.

Moja EV Kenya's CEO, Wang Aiping, revealed plans to initially import approximately 160 Neta vehicles over the next month. Additionally, the company aims to collaborate with Kenya's Associated Vehicle Assemblers to assemble 250 electric vehicles monthly.

"There are also plans to export Chinese e-vehicles from Kenya to the rest of Africa by the end of the year," Aiping stated, highlighting the broader vision for regional expansion. He emphasized the benefits of electric vehicles, which rely on batteries and lack internal combustion engines, resulting in lower mechanical maintenance needs.

Zhou Jiang, General Manager of Neta Overseas Business, announced that the Neta V model will be the first to enter the Kenyan market, retailing at 4 million Kenyan shillings (approximately 31,000 USD) and offering a range of about 380 kilometers on a full charge. Zhou noted that the affordability and low operational costs of electric vehicles make them an ideal choice for the Kenyan market, particularly for taxi drivers.

Zhou further explained that Neta's decision to enter Kenya was influenced by the country's status as a regional economic hub, making it a strategic gateway for exporting electric vehicles to the rest of Africa.

Source: Danflow Lindwe / The Star

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