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MAX and Kofa Join Forces: Driving Africa's Electric Vehicle Revolution

MAX and Kofa Join Forces: Driving Africa's Electric Vehicle Revolution

By Staff Writer 20 April 2024

Nigeria’s MAX, a trailblazer in electric vehicle solutions in Africa, and Ghana’s Kofa, a prominent player in energy network innovation, have forged a strategic alliance.

Under this agreement, MAX will provide financing solutions for over 2,000 groundbreaking TailG Jidi bikes, a collaborative creation of Kofa and TailG.

MAX is renowned for democratizing vehicle ownership and electric mobility across Africa through its technology-oriented platform.

Offering a wide array of services, including subscription-based vehicle financing and top-notch electric vehicle selections, MAX ensures comprehensive support services for its clientele.

On the other hand, Kofa focuses on establishing affordable, sustainable, and customer-centric electricity networks, commencing with electric motorcycles.

Collaborating with TailG Group, a prominent Chinese electric vehicle brand, Kofa introduced the Jidi electric motorcycle last October and announced plans for the launch of its second-generation Kore 2 Swap & Go network.

This partnership signifies a pivotal moment in advancing green transportation accessibility in Africa.

MAX’s financing options for the motorbikes will facilitate wider adoption of eco-friendly transportation among individuals and businesses, perfectly aligning with both companies’ visions for a sustainable future.

Source: Tom Jackson / Disrupt Africa

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