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Applications For Pan-African Incubator IncubMe Are Open Until June 15, 2023

Applications For Pan-African Incubator IncubMe Are Open Until June 15, 2023

IncubMe, an Algeria-based pan-African startup incubator, has announced a final call for entrepreneurs and startup founders to submit applications by June 15, 2023.

With this being the third edition of the four-month program, IncubMe is open to applications from all sectors across Africa, the Middle East, as well as Europe. Participants will be able to avail 100% free incubation and acceleration support, tailored as per the level of maturity of a given business idea. Curated with the aim to help entrepreneurs make their business ideas market-ready and ready-to-scale, the IncubMe program also offers access to comprehensive industry-specific training courses, one-on-one mentoring and coaching sessions, and networking opportunities.

Source: IncubMe


Founded in 2018, IncubMe was launched with the mission to primarily foster Algeria's entrepreneurial ecosystem while also enabling collaborative business efforts between the African and European continents. The annual program falls under the patronage of the Algerian Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups and Micro-enterprises .

Those interested in applying for the third edition of IncubMe, may do so by June 15, 2023 by heading to the program's official website.

Related: The Future Of Fintech May Well Be In Africa

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