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Book Now A Saudi Startup Using Deep Learning To Drive Road Safety A Saudi Startup Using Deep Learning To Drive Road Safety

By Erika Masako Welch 02 March 2023 A Saudi Startup Using Deep Learning To Drive Road Safety Logo

Transforming Road Safety with AI: How Cutting-edge Research and Technology are Making AI-powered Applications Commercially Viable

Meet Sohaib Khan, distinguished professor turned entrepreneur. Sohaib is silver haired and has the nurturing smile you might expect from one of your favorite former professors. He brings decades of research experience, first from completing his PhD in the United States, and later from running computer vision research and innovation labs in top Universities in both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Today, he is the CEO and one of four co-founders of, a startup building cost-effective AI-driven software solutions that aims to reduce road fatalities. He is part of a new brand of entrepreneur emerging out of Saudi Arabia, with deep expertise and know-how, and a distinguished career

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