Women Who Build Africa Assembly Returns to Empower Women Leaders in Nairobi

Women Who Build Africa Assembly Returns to Empower Women Leaders in Nairobi

By Staff Writer 04 June 2024

The second annual Women Who Build Africa (WWBA) Assembly is set to take place in Nairobi, Kenya on September 5-6.

WWBA, founded in 2022 by Gwera Kiwana and Thea Sokolowski, is a community that aims to empower women leaders, investors, and builders across Africa by fostering connections and providing support.

The upcoming event, held in partnership with Africa Fintech Summit, will feature workshops, a pitch showcase for women founders, panels, fireside chats, and social events.

The inaugural assembly highlighted the funding challenges faced by female-led startups, emphasizing the positive impact of coordinated efforts.

Tickets are now available for purchase via Hustlesasa, or via Africa Fintech Summit, and women founders can apply to pitch at the event here.

Source: Tom Jackson / Disrupt Africa

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