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Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2022 In Riyadh Sees Almost US$8 Billion In Investments Announced On Its Second Day

Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2022 In Riyadh Sees Almost US$8 Billion In Investments Announced On Its Second Day

By Entrepreneur Middle East Staff 30 March 2022
GEC 2022 in Riyadh

The second day of the 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC 2022) running from March 27-30, 2022 under the slogan "Rethink, Reboot, Regenerate" in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has seen investment agreements and announcements secured reach a value of almost US$8 billion.

This includes the $3.2 billion announced by Saudi Arabia's Small and Medium Enterprises Bank to finance new businesses, as well as investments estimated to be worth $1 billion declared by the Kingdom's Ministry of Investment, which also announced licensing for international companies to enter the country's domestic market.

Meanwhile, Monsha'at, Saudi Arabia's General Authority for Small and Medium-Si

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