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These 3 Countries Rule Africa's Startup Scene

June 23, 2023

These 3 Countries Rule Africa's Startup Scene

Out of the 54 countries in Africa, these three key markets account for nearly half of the continent's GDP. And on top of that, they are also leading the way when it comes to tech startup innovations.

The Future of Fintech in Africa

Eighteen percent of the world’s population lives in Africa, and 57% of Africans are ‘unbanked’, without a bank account or a digital wallet. This presents a massive opportunity, making fintech the most dominant and funded tech sector in Africa today. This special report highlights how African fintechs not only have one of the largest total addressable markets globally but are also crucial for achieving financial inclusion and empowering unbanked populations. The potential impact of a successful fintech in Africa is unparalleled. To learn more about the drivers, barriers, and opportunities in African fintech, as well as progress toward financial inclusion, read the special report.

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