
Renthisaab word itself explains the nature of purpose of its definition, although it is a composite of two words - “Rent” & “Hisaab”, and which means the book records of your rental business. We have come up with this “Owner- Tenant Management System”, post realising that a wholesome system like RentHisaab doesn't exist in the market & the reason we decided to tap into this opportunity of making tenant rental payments digital with multiple features like agreement generation, timely notification etc. In a Nutshell Renthisaab is a platform which empowers the property owner to manage their tenants and keep various records of their business, like property records, tenant history, bill payments, and complaint management.

Total Fundraised$5B

PE Round
Late Stage
Debt Financing
Series C
Series B
Series A
Calendar Image2022
HeadquarterGradient ImageIndia
OperationalGradient Image
Operational Market
SectorGradient Image
Real Estate
Property Management
Primary Sector
EmployeeGradient Image11 - 50
GlobeGradient Image

Funding Types by Funds Raised (in USD)

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Cumulative Funding Raised Over Time

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RentHisaab's Investors by Funding Rounds

Funding Round

Announced Date

Disclosed Investors

Round Amount (USD)

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RentHisaab’s Key
Team Members

Abhishek Kumar