Konn Technologies

Konn Technologies is a proptech company based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We provide a platform that enables developers to build fully customized homes at scale, through a suite of integrated technologies for large and medium scale off-plan housing communities. Konn bridges the gap between real estate developers' needs for efficiency andbusiness performance, with homeowners' needs for personalization and transparency. Konn’s Online Design Studio, the Kit-of-Parts Library, and the Order Management System allow thousands of customers to customize their off-plan homes while ensuring smooth and efficient production and delivery operations for the builders. Konn’s mission is to lead the way into the future of living with next-gen homes through technology.

Total Fundraised$5B

PE Round
Late Stage
Debt Financing
Series C
Series B
Series A
Calendar Image2020
HeadquarterGradient ImageAmman, Jordan
OperationalGradient Image
Operational Market
SectorGradient Image
Real Estate
Property Management
Primary Sector
EmployeeGradient Image11 - 50
PinGradient ImageSeed
Current Stage
GlobeGradient Imagehttps://konn.tech/

Funding Types by Funds Raised (in USD)

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Cumulative Funding Raised Over Time

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Konn Technologies's Investors by Funding Rounds

Funding Round

Announced Date

Disclosed Investors

Round Amount (USD)

Funding Type Image
01 Jan 2020


3 Investors

Funding Type Image
25 May 2023


1 Investors

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Konn Technologies’s Key
Team Members

Basel Uraiqat
Basma Abdallah Uraiqat