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Malaica's $1 Million Pre-Seed Round Aims to Tackle High Maternal Mortality

Malaica's $1 Million Pre-Seed Round Aims to Tackle High Maternal Mortality

By Staff Writer 31 July 2024

Malaica, a maternal health startup operating in Sub-Saharan Africa, has successfully raised $1 million in a pre-seed funding round. The round was spearheaded by Markus Gemuend, the former Managing Director of Roche Africa, with contributions from Silicon Valley's Kapor Capital, which has extensive experience in the maternal health sector.

Malaica's innovative approach to maternal health combines personalized care, hybrid models, advanced technology, and community support to tackle the high maternal mortality rates in the region. The company offers a blend of online programs and physical checkups, ensuring mothers can receive comprehensive support during childbirth.

The startup's pilot program in Garissa, Kenya—an area with the highest maternal mortality rate in the country—has delivered promising results. This success has prompted discussions with donors to expand the program for low-income mothers. Additionally, Malaica is in the process of finalizing its first contract with a health insurer, emphasizing the dual benefits of improving pregnancy outcomes and reducing costs for payers by lowering C-section rates.

Dr. Lorraine Muluka, Co-Founder and CEO of Malaica, stated, "We've quickly seen that Malaica can have a massive impact. However, achieving a sustainable business model required many iterations, which is particularly challenging in Sub-Saharan Africa compared to the US. We are excited to have laid the groundwork for rapid future growth."

Source: Kathrin Folkendt / Femtech Insider

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The pregnancy journey can be long, frustrating, and full of unexpected challenges. At Malaica, we want to change this. You deserve a smooth and comfortable pregnancy and motherhood experience.

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