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The Trends of Healthtech Unicorns
By Lucidity Insights Research Team 25 November 2023

The Trends of Healthtech Unicorns

According to HolonIQ, there are 140 healthtech unicorns around the world who were collectively valued at over US $320 billion in February 2023.

When adding medtech and biotech, that number balloons to 200 unicorns - all born in the last 10 years.

The first healthtech unicorn was born in 2014. 53 of these unicorns have exited, the vast majority (47) through SPAC or IPO, leaving 147 unicorns based on last valuations.

There has yet to be an Arab world Healthtech unicorn as of the end of 2023...

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MENA Healthtech

The Business of Healthtech in MENA

Globally, Digital Health is ballooning into a US $660 billion industry by 2025. MENA based healthtech startups have raised over $600 million and reached a combined valuations of nearly $2 billion. By exploring our special reports, you will gain valuable insights into the trends, challenges, and opportunities that define the MENA Healthtech landscape. Learn how technology is giving us greater access to healthcare and better health outcomes.

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