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GHG Reduction Targets Set by IMO
By Lucidity Insights Research Team 22 October 2023

GHG Reduction Targets Set by IMO

Every year, a staggering 10 billion tonnes of ballast water, carrying an estimated 7,000 aquatic species, traverse the globe.

Read More: Interesting Statistics Regarding Ballast Water

The consequences can be quite dire, as foreign invaders wreak havoc on delicate marine ecosystems, disrupting the delicate balance of life.

But we possess the power to stem the tide.

Enter the vanguard of change. Biofuels, electrification, and hybrid technologies emerge as beacons of hope in our battle for a greener future.

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We invite you to explore our in-depth special report, which not only highlights the urgency of transitioning to sustainable international trade but also showcases the innovative solutions being implemented around the globe. With many countries committing to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, there is a race against the clock to upgrade the world’s energy and trade infrastructure to achieve this. In this report, we highlight strategies used by trade stakeholders worldwide to foster a sustainable future, focusing on decarbonization, energy and food security, and environmental impact mitigation.

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