Egypt’s Vision 2030: 10 Pillars (2nd Part)
Published date : 24 March 2024

Egypt’s Vision 2030: 10 Pillars (2nd Part)

Egypt Vision 2030 was launched in February 2016. The country’s long-term strategic plan was launched to achieve the principles and goals of sustainable development in all areas, and to mainstream them into the different state agencies for implementation.

Traditionally, Egypt has relied on tourism to buoy its economy, but as the pandemic showed – a strong economy is a diversified one – and this is precisely what Vision 2030 sets out to do for the Egyptian economy. The North African nation witnessed 11.7 million tourists in 2022, up from 8 million tourists the year before – a hard year due to global travel restrictions in place due to the Covid19 pandemic.

In the first 10 months of 2023, the country attracted a record 10 million tourists, however the recent Israel-Hamas war poses significant risk to tourism through the short term.

With Vision 2030, the focus is on the development of new industries like technology and renewable energy, hoping that the country will be able to build a more resilient and dynamic economy.

The plan is focused on the multiple pillars as outlined on the graph.

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