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Al’Ula: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Al’Ula: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

By Staff Writer 07 April 2023
Maraya, the largest mirrored building in the world located in Alula, Saudi Arabia.

Al’Ula is in the northwest of Saudi Arabia, 200 km inland from the Red Sea and 400 km south of the Jordan border. The Al’Ula region is located at a cross roads between the old incense road, an ancient trade route that linked Arabia with the Mediterranean region, and the old Silk Road which connected Arabia with Asia. Going back to its ancient roots, the region has begun attracting thousands of visitors again. An ambitious regeneration plan with an investment budget of $15 billion USD aims to develop it into the world’s largest open-air museum and attract 2 million visitors annually by 2035. Al’Ula is also home to Saudi Arabia’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Nabataean City of Hegra.&nbs

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