
CTM360 is a unified external security platform that integrates External Attack Surface Management, Digital Risk Protection, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Brand Protection & Anti-phishing, Surface, Deep & Dark Web Monitoring, Security Ratings, Third Party Risk Management and Unlimited Takedowns. Seamless and turn-key, CTM360 requires no configurations, installations, or inputs from the end user, with all data pre-populated and specific to your organization. All aspects are managed by CTM360. CTM360 has been listed as one of the Top 14 Digital Risk Protection Companies globally by Forrester in 2018. CTM360 has been recognized as Digital Risk Protection (DRPS) and External Attack Surface Management (EASM) vendor in Gartner’s latest report on “Emerging Technology and Trends Impact Radar: Security” in 2021. Recently, CTM360 was recognized by Frost & Sullivan for Enabling Technology Leadership in the Global Digital Risk Protection (DRP) Industry.

Total Fundraised$5B

PE Round
Late Stage
Debt Financing
Series C
Series B
Series A
Calendar Image2014
HeadquarterGradient ImageManama, Bahrain
OperationalGradient Image
Operational Market
SectorGradient Image
Digital & ICT
IT & Communication
Information Systems
Information Technology
Information and Coommunications Technology (ICT)
Information Services
Software Dev/Test
Primary Sector
EmployeeGradient Image51 - 100
PinGradient ImageGrant
Current Stage
GlobeGradient Imagehttp://www.ctm360.com/

Funding Types by Funds Raised (in USD)

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Cumulative Funding Raised Over Time

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CTM360's Investors by Funding Rounds

Funding Round

Announced Date

Disclosed Investors

Round Amount (USD)

Funding Type Image
01 Aug 2014



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CTM360’s Key
Team Members

Mirza Asrar Baig