USAID and Energy Fund Join Forces to Improve Energy Efficiency in Jordanian Factories

USAID and Energy Fund Join Forces to Improve Energy Efficiency in Jordanian Factories

By Staff Writer 09 August 2024

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources’ Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund has joined forces with the USAID Business Growth Project to enhance energy efficiency in factories.

During a formal meeting attended by representatives from both parties, Fund Director General Rasmi Hamza and USAID Business Growth Project representative Wafaa Aranki solidified the collaboration.

Rasmi Hamza emphasized the Fund’s dedication to bolstering industrial competitiveness by reducing energy expenses and cutting carbon dioxide emissions. He highlighted the ongoing partnership with key stakeholders as crucial to achieving these objectives and underscored the significance of this new initiative.

The program aims to lower energy costs and emissions, thereby enhancing industrial competitiveness. It offers up to 10,000 Jordanian dinars to cover energy audit investigations and provides expert technical support. This initiative represents a significant move toward greening and sustaining small and medium-sized factories.

Source: Startup Rise Asia

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