Nio's 1,000km Range Battery: A Game-Changer for Electric Vehicles

Nio's 1,000km Range Battery: A Game-Changer for Electric Vehicles

By Staff Writer, 02 January 2024

In a significant stride for the electric vehicle industry, a leading Chinese electric car manufacturer, Nio, has showcased a groundbreaking battery capable of propelling a vehicle for over 1,000km on a single charge.

Based in Shanghai, Nio is gearing up to commence mass production of this next-generation battery by April 2024.

Read More: China's Nio Secures $2.2 Billion Investment from Abu Dhabi-Backed Fund

The company boasts that this innovation will provide a longer driving range than any other electric or combustion-engine vehicle presently available in the market.

During a meticulously orchestrated 14-hour live-stream event, Nio's Chief Executive, William Li, took the wheel of the all-electric ET7 sedan, covering an impressive 1,044km (649 miles).

The journey spanned from Zhejiang province to Fujian province, maintaining an average speed of 84km/h. While this event captured public attention, sources indicate that a subsequent test of the pioneering battery achieved a more extended range of 1,145km, although this particular feat was not broadcasted.

Expressing confidence in their technological achievement, Li took to the Chinese social media platform Weibo, stating, "The successful completion of this endurance challenge underscores the capabilities of our 150kWh ultra-long endurance battery pack." He added, "This battery represents the world's most energy-dense pack in mass production, coupled with outstanding safety features. Importantly, our existing vehicle models can seamlessly upgrade to this 150kWh battery through Nio's innovative battery swap system."

Interestingly, Nio has adopted a distinctive approach to address the typical challenges associated with electric vehicle charging.

Instead of relying solely on traditional plug-in charging methods, the company champions a swift battery-swap system.

Equipped with a specialized mechanism, Nio vehicles allow users to replace an exhausted battery with a fully charged one in under three minutes—a timeframe comparable to refueling a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle.

This system not only streamlines the charging process but also offers flexibility to consumers.

They have the option to purchase a vehicle sans the battery and subsequently subscribe to a monthly service that grants access to Nio's expansive battery network.

Anthony Cuthbertson / The Independent

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