Omar Sultan AlOlama Charts Dubai's AI Future at Landmark Retreat

Omar Sultan AlOlama Charts Dubai's AI Future at Landmark Retreat

By Staff Writer, 13 June 2024

Dubai's ambitious roadmap for the next 185 years hinges on Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a cornerstone of its developmental strategy, announced Omar Sultan AlOlama, UAE Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy, and Remote Work Applications. Addressing over 2,500 leaders and experts at a groundbreaking AI Retreat held at Dubai's Museum of the Future and AREA 2071, AlOlama underscored AI's immediate role in shaping the city's future.

"AI is not a future vision; it is our reality now," AlOlama stated, emphasizing Dubai's proactive stance in adopting transformative technologies. Drawing parallels to Dubai's remarkable physical infrastructure progress since 1958, he outlined a bold vision to propel AI advancements over the next 185 years, starting today. Urging the private sector to invest in AI, he highlighted its pivotal role in driving economic growth and innovation under Dubai's visionary leadership.

Key discussions at the retreat centered on AI legislation, ethical AI use, and fostering AI talent and communities. Participants exchanged insights on deploying AI to solve local and global challenges, reflecting the UAE's commitment to responsible AI deployment.

AlOlama also announced the appointment of 22 Chief AI Officers across Dubai's government departments, each selected for their expertise in advancing AI initiatives. This initiative complements efforts to train one million skilled engineers, ensuring Dubai remains globally competitive in AI technology and application.

The AI Retreat marked a significant milestone in Dubai's journey towards AI-driven innovation, setting a precedent for global AI policy and governance. As Dubai charts its course for the future, AI stands poised to redefine the city's landscape and global influence over the centuries to come.

Source: TradeArabia

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