AfDB Grants $2.5 Million to Strengthen Tanzanian Horticultural Businesses

AfDB Grants $2.5 Million to Strengthen Tanzanian Horticultural Businesses

By Staff Writer, 30 October 2023

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is getting ready to award a $2.5 million grant, providing crucial financial support to 10,000 small-scale horticultural businesses, in a major step toward strengthening Tanzania's horticultural sector.

Approved by the AfDB board on Thursday (19/10), the Global Agriculture & Food Security Program will fund this historic initiative.

The primary objective of this financial infusion is to amplify the production and promotion of horticultural goods, thus mitigating the adverse consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Alongside this, the funding will serve to bolster climate consultancy services and refine post-harvest management processes.

As part of this comprehensive initiative, the grant will be instrumental in creating no less than five climate-resilient facilities, designed to enhance the sorting, classification, bulk packing, packaging, and storage of horticultural produce.

These improvements are anticipated to curb losses experienced after the harvest period.

Furthermore, a pivotal component of this endeavor is the establishment of a climate-resilient processing facility dedicated to spices, strategically positioned in the Morogoro district on the eastern side of the nation.

A spokesperson for the project highlighted, "The project will allow small operators in Tanzania to improve the efficiency of their agricultural activities, substantially increasing the volume and quality of products per unit of surface area."

This initiative is set to breathe new life into the horticultural sector and invigorate the economic prospects for Tanzanian growers.

Cleofe Maceda / Zawya

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