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Norway EV Incentives
By Lucidity Insights Research Team 20 October 2023

Norway EV Incentives

Norway leads the way in promoting electric vehicle (EV) adoption with a comprehensive set of incentives across various municipalities.

In Asker, there's a forward-thinking initiative supporting the charging infrastructure in housing associations, providing grants for the establishment and upgrade of electric facilities.

The municipality of Baerum takes a step further by offering a substantial grant, meanwhile, Trondheim incentivizes EVSE installations by covering up to 20% of the costs.

And in Oslo, the focus extends to both residential and corporate spaces.

These incentives underscore Norway's commitment to fostering a sustainable future through widespread electric vehicle infrastructure.

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The State of the Electric Vehicle Revolution 2023

Global electric vehicle (EV) stock has surpassed 30 million, and China is home to over half of all the EVs on the world’s roads. 1 in 7 new cars sold last year was electric, and by 2030, we will have 138 Million EVs.

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