Meal Delivery Market Share Per Player
Published date : 20 May 2024

Meal Delivery Market Share Per Player

There are two dominant players in the Saudi food delivery landscape, and that is HungerStation and Jahez.

HungerStation was partially acquired by Rocket Internet’s FoodPanda in 2016; in 2023, the company was fully acquired and absorbed into Delivery Hero’s global portfolio of foodtech players.

Jahez successfully IPO’d on Saudi Arabia’s secondary stock exchange in 2022.

As the infobyte shows, HungerStation remains the dominant player, having been the first to market.

Back in 2019, HungerStation boasted a 65% market share of the meal delivery segment while Jahez only held 13% of the market.

Fast forward 3 years and in 2022, HungerStation and Jahez held less than 50% of the total Saudi market, indicating increased competition as new entrants such as MrSool gain momentum.

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