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Global EV Stock 2022
By Lucidity Insights Research Team 01 October 2023

Global EV Stock 2022

26 million EVs called the World home in 2022, to break 40 million in 2023

13% of all new car sales were electric in 2022, which raised the global EV stock to 25.9 million units. This number continues to rise, with many analysts expecting the world to break the 40 million Electric Vehicles to be roaming our streets by the end of 2023. Over 14 million EVs call China home, which represents 54% of global stock. Nearly 3 million EVs call the US home, representing 11% of global stock; but nearly half of those are registered and parked in the single state of California. Germany houses 7% of global EV stock, being home to nearly 2 million electric cars. France, the UK and Norway all follow.

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