Asia’s Growing Global Dominance In Trade, 2017 & 2040 (forecast)
Asia’s Growing Global Dominance, 2017 & 2040 (forecast)
Published date : 20 December 2022

Asia’s Growing Global Dominance In Trade, 2017 & 2040 (forecast)

Considering the trade flow, the majority of the trade is flowing to or from China, the USA, or the EU. China’s exports were US$ 3.4 trillion in 2021 (15.1% of global trade exports) followed by the USA that exported US$ 1.8 trillion worth of goods (7.9% of global trade exports). In the top 20, 7 European countries accounted for US$ 4.6 trillion worth of exports (20.6% of global exports), two of which are in the top five, including Germany and Netherlands. Rounding out the top five is Japan accounting for US$ 0.8 trillion (3.4%) of exports.

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