Pishon Health's Incubator Programme is Set to Revolutionize African Healthcare

Pishon Health's Incubator Programme is Set to Revolutionize African Healthcare

By Staff Writer, 28 April 2024

Pishon Health, a leading African healthcare innovation incubator, has unveiled its groundbreaking initiative, the Social Innovation Incubator programme.

This ambitious project is geared towards empowering visionaries across Africa who are spearheading tech-driven solutions to pressing healthcare challenges.

Through a comprehensive 12-week curriculum, participants will receive invaluable support in refining and scaling up their innovative ideas.

The programme offers a myriad of benefits, including training, mentorship, and the potential for funding amounting to a staggering US$100,000.

The overarching goal of this initiative is to serve as a springboard for healthcare innovators, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to navigate the intricate landscape of developing and scaling locally relevant solutions.

By acting as a catalyst for change, the incubator seeks to propel forward the next generation of African pioneers who are at the forefront of revolutionizing healthcare on the continent.

Mopelola Lauretta Ajegbile, the visionary founder of Pishon Health, emphasized the critical role of such initiatives in addressing Africa's healthcare challenges.

Despite the formidable obstacles faced, she expressed optimism in the abundance of talent and ingenuity present across the continent.

The incubator programme stands as a testament to Pishon Health's commitment to bridging the gap between innovative solutions and the pressing healthcare needs of Africa, ultimately empowering these trailblazing innovators to realize their full potential.

Source: Tom Jackson / Disrupt Africa

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